"Would You Like Me To Help You Transform Your Course Into a
Premium Flagship Course?"
Start the FREE
Challenge Today!
Enter Your Name & Email Below and start to eliminate your course refunds and start seeing transformations in your students...
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Yes! I'm ready to get my students to complete my course and have the transformation they desire, get more testimonials from my students, reduce my refund rate and charge more money for my courses!
I Understand That When I Sign Up, I get Instant Access to the "Ultimate Course Makeover Challenge", which includes:
How People Learn.
Acquire a deeper understanding of how people really learn and apply it to your course.
Better Writing.
Up your "writing game" so your students are more engaged and get even more out of your course.
Design Principles.
Download for FREE all my professionally designed PowerPoint Templates and learn my tricks to make your course visually stunning
Storytelling and WOW!
Walkthrough of how the "Masters" use storytelling and surprise to keep you engaged. There's no reason your course can't do the same.
Course Structure.
Map of how to structure your course so students are more likely to complete it and provide more touching testimonials.
Digital Downloads.
Learn the strategies and tools for developing digital downloads and assessments for your students to ensure they absorb your content.
"The Ultimate Course Makeover Challenge should be the model course for creators who want to see and understand what a truly beneficial course and challenge should be. The content produces immediately actionable ideas and insights that should be integrated into every course on the market.
I know my course provided excellent content and after the training, I know the impact for the students is undeniably better now. The challenge allowed me to upgrade the quality and visual appeal with easily understood daily insights and trainings. My course will forever be more valuable to my students. Just by implementing the information from Flip the Script I know I can easily ask for a higher price for my course."
I know my course provided excellent content and after the training, I know the impact for the students is undeniably better now. The challenge allowed me to upgrade the quality and visual appeal with easily understood daily insights and trainings. My course will forever be more valuable to my students. Just by implementing the information from Flip the Script I know I can easily ask for a higher price for my course."
- Jeff L
Who is this challenge for?
Your course was designed or is being designed using Microsoft PowerPoint. Many of the special tips, tricks and downloads are specific to Microsoft PowerPoint. There's lots of great information in this challenge, but PowerPoint users will get the most out of the Ultimate Course Makeover Challenge. This course will completely up your PowerPoint game!
You're having success selling your course but students don't seem to be completing it. If you're able to sell your course, that's fantastic. The next goal is to make sure your students are engaged enough to complete it. If they don't complete the course, the won't get all the value you've packed into it!
​You're struggling to get testimonials for your course. One of the best ways to know that your course is providing value and your students are having the transformations you hoped for, is testimonials. If you aren't able to get testimonials, it may mean your course could be improved.
​You want to charge more for you course. If you want to have a premium flagship course, it needs to standout and wow your students. This means, it should be visually appealing, the content should be clear and make sense and it should pull your students through the course so they want to finish it. Does your course currently do that?
​You receive too many refund requests for your course. A high quality and high value course should have a very low refund rate. If your course has a refund rate that's too high for your liking, you need to make changes to your course.
Every minute you wait to get the [FREE] "Ultimate Course Makeover Challenge" is another minute you'll be stuck with a mediocre course which students don't complete, doesn't get testimonials, and you can't charge a premium price for.
Put the power of the "Ultimate Course Makeover Challenge" to work, so you can quickly and easily get students to complete your course and have the transformation they desire, get more testimonials from your students, and charge more money for your courses!
Put the power of the "Ultimate Course Makeover Challenge" to work, so you can quickly and easily get students to complete your course and have the transformation they desire, get more testimonials from your students, and charge more money for your courses!
"I started out knowing nothing about Instructional Design or writing a course and I saw your course about the Ultimate Makeover of your course.
If you follow women entrepreneurs and business coaches they all recommend you do an online course and you end up spending years to find your niche and how to do the marketing but in between is a huge gap of actually doing the work and creating content that's really valuable and the instructional design is quite fascinating to me.
I like beautiful things and I liked the part about learning how to do all this in PowerPoint because this is very valuable and now I can put in the time and finally do it right.
It's something I would aspire to. It's so professional and so well structured and organized and that is how I would like my course to look."
If you follow women entrepreneurs and business coaches they all recommend you do an online course and you end up spending years to find your niche and how to do the marketing but in between is a huge gap of actually doing the work and creating content that's really valuable and the instructional design is quite fascinating to me.
I like beautiful things and I liked the part about learning how to do all this in PowerPoint because this is very valuable and now I can put in the time and finally do it right.
It's something I would aspire to. It's so professional and so well structured and organized and that is how I would like my course to look."
- Lien P
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